Friday, January 25, 2013

What, Indeed, is the Why?

This is a more in-depth exploration of a concept that I mention briefly in my other blog about DIY called Pariahcycle.

I believe that the attempt is more important than the "Why". Too much importance is placed on emphasizing the "Why", and not enough on just doing, and making simply for the satisfaction that comes with the act. Good planning for a project is important, but the answer to the "Why" is not even secondary, or tertiary. The only thing that is important is that the project is attempted. I believe that many people with great ideas don't pursue them because they are intimidated by the prospect of being asked "Why" and the judgement that inevitably comes with not having a concise or eloquent answer to this unfair question. The "Why", most of the time, detracts from the "Do" and is often simply the refuge of those who lack creativity or vision. Frequently the purpose of a thing can only be determined in retrospect because every angle can't be thought of, and every outcome can't be predicted, so what I ask is that the people that are so overly reliant on the "Why" to give life meaning just learn to roll with it for once and take "because I can" as an answer.